Thursday, August 14, 2008

ANarchy in SKatopia

THere's an article in Rolling Stone mag this month about Skatopia

Bowl Bash XIII Skatopia 2008:

Some really rad terrain and great skating but I can't help thinking that someone is going to get seriously hurt or killed in the other activities that take place there.

Thats our own Mike"Darkness"Barnes doing crazy staple gun variations in the bowl.

More from 2007

Oregon Trifecta-Live webcast August 15th -17th

Here's the link :
YOu can also find the webcast on

Look out for the florida boys..
Lenny Byrd,Buck Smith in the Masters division and Tim Johnson in the Pro division.Also Brevard Local Keith Baldassare in the AM's.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rune Glifberg gets gold at X-Games 14 "Superpark"

Here's some of Runes runs...

And here's some mixed footage with commentary from Hosoi:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vans SK8 Hi for $19.95!

You can't beat that..

Shipping is less than 7 buck..

Here's the link: