Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Get the new BACON video here ....255mb of Gnar!

DOWNLOAD it here..>>>>

You can burn it to DVD if you have a dvd burner...Or download this program to watch it directly on your computer.... VLC media player

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Skatepark of Austins famous 69 Bowl for Sale on Ebay-

Check it out here

Apparently their Landlord sold the building and the new Owner is not interested in having a Skatepark there anymore.What a shame.
I never got to skate it myself but our man in Texas Dan Hernandez has..He sent me these photos last year and said "If you ever come to Texas bro,we've got to skate this"!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

More Backyard Spots...

The Florida Version of Skateopia...A place you'll never find..Unless you're invited!

Click images to enlarge...