Monday, November 26, 2007

Trip to the Solar Bowl...

I'm just back from a trip to a bowl you will never find....

Its an invite only, 8' birch masterpiece with a 10' vert extension and gnarly roll-in platform.And to make it even better ,the whole thing is covered with a dome shaped metal building that uses Solar power..How Awesome is that?

The directions simply read.....Drive out into the middle of the boondocks in Florida and turn right at a huge big pile of horse shite!
And they werent joking either.. SO we did!
Dan,Scott and Andy check to see if were on the right track

Amazingly we found the place pretty easily!

I had great intentions of taking lots of photos and documenting the trip really well,but I skated so much on the day,that this is pretty much all I have to show for it..Hopefully some of the other guys got some good footage.

We skated with our host Don for a few hours before the Atlantic Beach crew arrived followed shortly by Mike Barnes and Jo(JOhio )Marrero.The session was officially on ..We ended up skating solidly from about 11am until 4pm..I dont know about the other guys but,thats definitely a record for me!

We did have a few casualties though ..Shortly after we arrived ,Scott took a bad fall while "Rolling in" on the roll-in platform and crashed really hard into the opposite wall.He was completely knocked out and probably still doesnt remember how he got out of the bowl.
That was a rude awakening for the rest of us..But props to Scott ,after a short rest he got back up and took a few more runs.Andy also took a spill and tweaked his wrist.

About noon time the "PBR's" were flowing and the session got gnarlier real fast.Mainly due to the skating of Mike Barnes and Joe Marrerro.

We also cranked up the BBQ grill and cooked up a bunch of Bubba Burgers and chicken legs,washed down with PBR's..They tasted great.

Overall it was a great day and we all parted company promising to do this again sometime real soon...Thanks go to our Host Don who at 44 years young ,absolutely kills his bowl,and on a 40" board no less!
Don, Thanks for having us!

Here's some video footage that was taken with my camera during the day..

We Will Be Back!

If anyone else has any additional footage or comments to add ..Dont be shy..

Post yout comments below and email any footage to
flattop1 at